Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Recent information on Carob

Diamond Grading Reports

Mon, 17 Jul 2006 22:50:53 EDT
Diamond Grading Reports

You’ve been told that having a certificate or
a diamond grading report is important, and
as a responsible consumer, you get one –
unfortunately, you probably wo...

Kaya, Turkey: sour plums and sweet custom - Daily Telegraph

Thu, 07 Aug 2008 21:38:00 GMT
"Try them with salt,” urged Gonul, the caretaker-owner of our holiday villa. There was much to delight us about Kaya - an impressively affecting long-abandoned Greek-Christian ...

Biblical Lessons for Preserving the Environment - RedOrbit

Mon, 08 Sep 2008 14:37:31 GMT

Biblical Lessons for Preserving the Environment
RedOrbit, TX - Sep 8, 2008
It is about a man named Honi who planted a carob tree. A neighbor came to him and said, "Fool, why plant a carob tree? It takes decades to grow and bear ...

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