Thursday, May 29, 2008
Natural Remedy Info
Example #1: Do your customers have concerns about earning the most profit from SEO on their website? You could provide an informational product that helps relieve this fear of losing out on money.
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Wheatgrass Growing Kit - Pro 18 Trays with Juicer - �45.99
Herbal Tinctures
Please Take Your Time When Eating
Have you ever noticed how rapid some people can eat? While no one has ever actually inhaled food, it is surprising how swift some folks can make a meal disappear .
When Americans go out to eat, we usually order a drink and socialize while waiting to be seated. Some order another drink before the meal is served, but when the food comes out it is time to eat.
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Herbal Tinctures
Organic Fresh Grown Wheatgrass
Used for centuries in Asia, this small woodland plant has been documented to have immune system enhancing properties. It stimulates macrophage and NK cell activity as well as boosting the production of antibodies.
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Organic Fresh Grown Wheatgrass
Sunday Mirror - I want my wash to be eco-friendly
Sun, 20 May 2007 07:00:00 GMT
May 20, 2007 -- Q YOU did a test on eco-cleaning products and as I recall soapnuts came out the best. Can you tell me where I can get them from? - Mrs J Budgen,...
Herbal Supplements | Natural Supplements | Natural Remedies | Healthy Living | Energy Saving Eco Products
Labels: St Johns Wort Herb | St Johns Wort Capsules
Fullers Earth Updates
Wed, 07 May 2008 21:27:06 GMT
Garden Calendar Seattle Post Intelligencer - Saturdays, May 17-31, 5 pm -- Gardening 101, 102, 103: These three classes are an expanded version of Swanson's Meghan Fuller's popular Gardening 101 class ... |
Bilberry Leaf Liquid Extract Tincture - Vaccinium Myrtillus 50ml
Natural Remedies
Labels: Saw Palmetto Tincture | Slippery Elm | Slippery Elm Powder
The latest Informaiton on General Health
It is a known fact that nutritional supplements are useful for people belonging to all age groups. Children need adequate amounts of calcium, phosphorus and iron to develop healthy bones and teeth. Similarly, elderly people need all kinds of vitamins and energy vitalizing substances to keep themselves fit. These supplements also help them fight against various diseases, and some are even thought to prevent heart attacks and even cancer. Many nutritional supplements, including folic acid, are recommended to pregnant women to protect the baby from developing any abnormality. Obesity and high cholesterol can also be treated by using nutritional supplements made from natural plant and animal extracts.
Lately there has been much debate as to whether nutritional supplements are really useful or if there's really no point in taking them. It's true that there is no alternative for a proper balanced diet, nothing can take the place of fresh fruits and vegetables. But at the same time taking small amounts of health supplements is not harmful at all, instead it provides protection against many diseases in the long run.
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Echinacea Powder
Eco Friendly Zone
Congratulations! You have just saved yourself $100 and have learned how to begin treating gout yourself! In fact, gout is a disease that you can control naturally by simply choosing the right foods, exercising, and even choosing the right herbs/fruits/food when a gout attack arises! That is right! There is a natural gout remedy for gout attacks that works in minutes. Learn about more gout prevention tips on our Cure Your Gout Website and see how thousands of people have saved hundreds of dollars and treated their gout!
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Eco Friendly Zone
BioBulbs - Daylight Bulbs
What IS a Healthy Diet
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BioBulbs - Daylight Bulbs
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E.G.G. to the rescue!!
Tue, 30 Oct 2007 09:04:51 EDT
The sachet of potassium permanganate bonded to zeolite within the plastic eggs can be replaced every three months while the spent materials become compost in your g arden! ... With Ethylene Gas Guardian inside your refrigerator there will be very low presence of ethylene regardless of what you store....An egg shaped device called E. G. G. (Ethylene Gas Guardian) has been found to extend the storage time of fruit and veggies by absorbing ethylene gas....
General Health6 Tips for Healthy Restaurant Eating
Did you know that the average restaurant meal contains well over 1,000 calories? This will definitely ruin any healthy eating plan or diet that you are on. But fortunately there are some good strategies for healthy restaurant eating. All you need to do is follow some of these guidelines:
1. Skip the Appetizer.
Unfortunately, some appetizers will actually have more calories and fat than the main course. Plus, many of them are fried and served with a heavy sauce. This will increase your intake of saturated fat as well as trans fats and calories.
2. Eat your Salad.
Not only will it help to fill you up but you will find that you have consumed fewer calories overall. It also provides you with a good dose of anti-oxidants which are great for ensuring that your heart stays healthy. But make sure you get the waitress to leave off the croutons and the cheese. Choose a dressing that is made using vinegar and olive oil.
3. Choose a Healthy Entree.
Go for entrees that are either broiled or grilled rather than fried. It will not only save you calories but will decrease the amount of fat grams you are consuming. Also consider have 2 portions of vegetables with this part of the meal. If you do need a sauce with your meal, choose one that is tomato-based rather than those containing cream. Get the restaurant to serve the sauce as a side order to your meal, then only use as much as you really need.
4. Choose Healthier Drinks with your Meal.
Instead of going for the alcoholic option when dining out, go for either iced tea sweetened with a non-caloric sweetener or just water with lemon. You would be surprised at the number of calories you can consume with just the drinks served with your meal.
5. You can Still Indulge your Sweet Tooth.
Many restaurants now provide a low fat or low carbohydrate dessert selection. But if a healthy dessert is not an option, then instead have a cup of coffee with skimmed milk to help get around the craving for something sweet at the end of the meal.
6. Practice Portion Control.
Unfortunately many restaurants serve extremely large portions. They are quite often twice as large as what you would eat at home. So why not put part of your main course aside and then take it home with you? Plus if you are able to remove it from your plate before you start eating you are less tempted to actually over-indulge.
Dining out no longer has to be a chore, nor an excuse to break your diet. In fact healthy restaurant eating can be just as enjoyable.
Eating healthy meals does not have to mean time-consuming menu preparation or boring meals. To discover delicious alternatives you never knew could be healthy, be sure to check out my Eating Healthy blog at: |
Guarana Tablets & Powders
Tanita Alcohol Sensor
Labels: Barleygrass | Kelp
Echinacea Tincture Updates
Mon, 12 May 2008 15:49:06 EDT
(Capsules and pills of Echinacea, if used for lengthy periods, may be counter-productive. ... ) A dose of the tincture is one drop for every pound of body weight....A tincture or strong infusion of any shelf fungus with pores can be used, he says. ... I prefer safer antibacterial herbs such as Echinacea, usnea, or poke root, which not only kill infection, but also help us keep our immune systems strong....Poke root tincture (Phytolacca americana) kicks the immune system into gear incredibly fast. ... It magnifies the effects of Echinacea and they work wonderfully well together....Echinacea tincture is my first choice for countering infection....
Health and WellbeingGive Your Family a Health Makeover
Have you ever wished that ketchup were considered a vegetable? It would ease so much parental guilt.
The issue of family nutrition is ripe for guilt. The choices we as parents make have a direct effect on the health of each member of our family. Yet our daily life routine can make it difficult to create healthy mealtimes and habits. Still, until our kids reach a certain age, we are responsible for helping them make the choices that will guide them through adulthood.
Here are fourteen tips for giving your family a health makeover.
1. Do a Body Mass Index (BMI) check. Is everyone in your family at an optimal weight? Find out by using a BMI calculator (which you can find by doing a simple Google search for ?BMI Calculator.?) Enter each person?s height and weight. Take a minute to talk about healthy weight and height and all the benefits of living a healthy life, from improved energy to the decreased likelihood of certain diseases. Make a plan together to help everyone get to his or her optimal weight in the months to come. There are lots of support networks and diets online that can help you achieve this end, for people of ages.
2. Write down your goals. As a family, write down what each person pledges to do in the coming weeks and months to become a healthier person. It?s best to start with one or two specific goals. If you choose too many things at first, you are more likely to become overwhelmed and quit. Small changes can lead to big differences in your life.
3. Make your health goals into a family game. Talk about the healthy choices each person made each day. Reward these choices on a daily or weekly basis.
4. Cut down on soft drinks. Replace one or two sugary soft drinks or energy drinks each day with water. You can add a splash of lemon or lime juice if it helps make plain water more palatable at first. Once you start drinking a lot of water, you will begin to crave it, and you will no longer feel like the sugary drinks do much to quench your thirst.
5. Drink more water. A good rule of thumb is to drink one-half ounce of water for every pound of body weight. Calculate out how much water each person in your family should be drinking each day. Once you are hydrated, you may find that you sleep better and are better able to keep your moods on an even keel, too.
6. Eat breakfast together. Enjoying a family mealtime is a great way to stay emotionally connected. Start your day with the family by eating a nutritious breakfast. Make sure to include some form of lean protein to help you maximize your energy.
7. Exercise together. Think of ways you can combine family togetherness with exercise. Take a walk together in the evenings, and go sledding or bicycling on the weekend.
8. Is there anywhere you can walk instead of drive as a family? Or consider taking your bikes.
9. Subscribe to healthy living magazines and encourage everyone to read about the latest research on how nutrition affects our lives, and stay motivated to exercise and live a healthy, fit life. A good fitness magazine can be tremendously motivating.
10. Cut down on your television. If you do watch TV, watch it together as a family and use the programming as spark for family conversations.
11. Turn off the TV when you eat breakfast or dinner together. Without the accompaniment of TV or radio, you?ll be more aware of what you are eating, and how much you are eating. Plus, you?ll be able to more closely bond with your family during the meal. Start each meal with a ritual conversation starter. ?What was the best thing about your day?? is a great one.
12. In addition to TV time, try limiting video games and computer time, too. Plan a family game night with a favorite board game. Do household chores together. Join an organized sports league.
13. Make healthy alternatives readily available. Set a bowl of fresh fruit on the kitchen counter, as well as bowl of carrots, broccoli, sugar snap peas and raw broccoli.
14. Go easy on yourself. Remember that the example you set will be followed by your children. One of the most important methods for creating a healthy family is to make your health and fitness a priority by staying active and making nutritious food choices, and they likely will, too.
Jamie Jefferson is a frequent contributor to, where you can find diet reviews and special promotional coupons on the most popular weight loss programs. |
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