Monday, May 19, 2008

The latest Informaiton on Natural Remedy

Crushed Cola NutsProper Mindset for Dieting and Weight Loss

Weight loss is something that takes effort. You can wake up one morning and expect that because you ate less the night before that all of sudden your going to start dropping weight. Instead before you even begin to diet you need to have the right mindset.

What kind of mindset are we looking for before we begin? First it involves patience. Patience that you realize that in time you will see results by taking it easy at meal time.

Next you need to see the reward. What kind of reward can you expect from weight loss? I can think of many. How about impressing your friends and family. Would you like to see the look on an old flame's face? Or maybe you are looking for a new mate. How about going to the beach and taking your shirt off without feeling embarrassed. These are some good thoughts to put you in the mind set of seeking weight loss.

A buddy will definitely help you too. Someone who is willing to hang out at the gym and has similar weight loss goals to yours. It's also important that you get along with this person. That way you enjoy your exercise sessions.

Cheating is actually a part of dieting. Set one day out of the week that you plan to treat yourself to something you normally should not eat every day. This will help you to avoid an explosion of bad eating habits.

Put some of these tips to use and combine it with a good exercise program. Get a book on dieting and exercise to help you. Read my about author section for programs I recommend.

For weight loss programs that the author of this article recommends visit his LAWeightLoss Blog.

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These dishes celebrate the feast of Passover with flavor (Cape Gazette)

Wed, 23 Apr 2008 12:52:04 GMT
If you’ve been in the grocery store recently, you’ve likely seen the displays of foods labeled “Kosher for Passover.” Some of you, especially my Jewish readers, already know that one of the most important religious festivals in the Jewish calendar begins tomorrow at sundown.

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Q&A With The Physique Transformation Expert

Q: l have heard you talk about keeping your macronutrient ratio pretty much the same as you try to get leaner, and simply reducing the number of calories you are taking in each day based on the results you are seeing. Does that mean as I continue to lose weight (weekly or daily), I should continue to drop my calories, but keep the same ratios? Right now I'm multiplying my bodyweight x 10 to get my daily calorie total. I'm currently weighing in at 190 so 1900 cals per day. For example, regarding your statement, if I weighed in at 185 by Sunday I would lower my total cals to 1850. Is that right? As you can see I'm currently cutting to get rid of my fat, but after this phase is complete I plan on doing a clean bulk. Thanks for your time Russ....
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